September 16, 2024 by Drew DeVault & Conrad Hoffman

Welcome to sourcehut! This suite of open source tools is the software development platform you've been waiting for. We've taken the wisdom of the most successful open-source communities and turned it into a platform of efficient engineering tools.

Sourcehut is currently available as a public alpha. What should I expect?

"Small internet" protocols? The Plan 9 renaissance? Esoteric programming languages for music creation, and novel smartphone operating systems? These projects and more are waiting to be found on the sourcehut project index. Browse projects

Hosted git repositories

  • Public, private, and "unlisted" repositories
  • Fine grained access control, including access for users without accounts
  • First-class Mercurial support also available
We've completely migrated our repo hosting, both git and Mercurial, to SourceHut. The speed, functionality, integrations, and minimal-yet-friendly UI makes it easy to use and work with.

— Peter Sanchez, Netlandish Inc.

Powerful continuous integration

  • Runs fully virtualised builds on various Linux distros and BSDs
  • Submit ad-hoc jobs without pushing to your repository
  • Post-build triggers for email, webhooks, etc
  • Log in with SSH after build failures to investigate further
This CI experience is leagues ahead of all others. Resubmitting builds and SSH'ing in is saving me multiple hours.

— Andrew Kelley, author of the Zig programming language

Mailing lists & code review tools

  • Patch review tools on the web
  • Threaded, searchable mail archives
  • Tools for working with third party mailing lists
  • Powered by git send-email
SourceHut mailing lists are the best thing since the invention of reviewing patches.

— Martijn Braam, postmarketOS developer

Focused ticket tracking

  • Actionable tasks only — no discussions, questions, or duplicates
  • Private bug reports and bug trackers for security issues
  • Participation via email, with or without an account
I think it is really convenient that you can send a plaintext email with your bug report, whether or not you have an account.

— Cadence Ember, author of Bibliogram

Hosted real-time chat services

  • Provides a hosted Internet Relay Chat bouncer
  • Connect with any IRC client, or use our web chat
  • Online and offline chat log management
I like that allows people to easily engage in their communities, while still betting on standards instead of building new walled gardens.

— Pedro Lucas Porcellis

Sophisticated account management & security

  • PGP encrypted and signed emails from each service
  • Two-factor authentication with TOTP
  • Detailed audit logs of account activity
  • Fine-grained third-party OAuth access controls
I really appreciate the option to get encrypted mail with a PGP key that I provide — why don't more companies have this?!

— Cadence Ember

Markdown- and git-driven wikis

  • Use git to version control and manage your wiki
  • Use any organizational hierarchy you like, a flat wiki is not imposed
  • Hosts the detailed sourcehut manual

And more!

  • Ad-hoc source code hosting via
  • Static web hosting via