June 12, 2024 by Conrad Hoffmann

Update on our infrastructure plans

Now that Drew has provided an update on the general state of SourceHut, I would like to follow up with one focusing on our infrastructure. Much has happened under the hood, a lot has not happened, and plans come and go as reality changes its mind every now and then. So, let’s take a quick look at where we are right now, what our plans are, and how we hope to get there.

First and foremost, let me state the TL;DR: our grand plan has not changed, and we are still planning on moving most services to Kubernetes. But to talk about why that’s taking so long, how we are preparing for this, and what this means for folks running their own instances, I need to set the stage a little bit.

Quick recap

As Drew already mentioned, we hastily migrated all our services to our research facilities in Amsterdam during the recent DDoS attack. This was a desperate measure, and while it actually had some benefits, it came mostly with drawbacks.

Our research facilities at the time consisted of a “grand” total of three servers. They provided two things: a Ceph cluster and a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes setup was far from ready for production. But in a stroke of luck it had been just recently that I had upgraded our Ceph cluster from the few spinning disks we used for toying around to a significant number of SSDs that were intended for production use. And so, we made the decision to migrate our storage to the new Ceph cluster, but keep running the services in VMs like we did before.

The research hardware is quite powerful, but it was still clear we would need more. It is also close to impossible to provide any level of redundancy with just three servers. We decided to rent two physical servers as build runners, an intensive and at times unpredictable workload. We also decided to keep our DNS in Digital Ocean, where we had moved it to get it out of the DDoS blast radius. These setups remain in place to this day.

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The migration was done under pretty intense pressure, as all our services were unavailable. Once the dust had settled after the DDoS, it was time to inspect the result more closely.

The obviously good outcome: it worked! We had managed to bring all of SourceHut back up in Amsterdam and were able to restore service. That was quite a feat. Another outcome I was initially very excited about was data locality. All of a sudden, there was a chance to bring up a service in Kubernetes and let it handle some production traffic without worrying about transatlantic latency for internal requests. We’ll see how that turned out in a minute, though.

The bad part was - at least initially - the Ceph cluster. While we had the storage capacity we needed, there had not been any performance testing yet. So this unfortunately happened in production, with the predictable, occasional hiccup. But by now, things have settled down and it seems the cluster can handle the load just fine. The object storage still feels a little less performant than before, but bearable. We’ll continue to tweak things, and hope things will get even better once we start using the advanced features of Ceph for horizontally scaling our services.

Since most time was spent tending to the Ceph cluster, it took a while until the ugly part dawned on me. In our old setup, every service was running in a VM, and the hosts that ran the VMs did nothing but that. When we frantically moved all that over as-was, we ended up in a silly situation. All the VMs were using macvtap interfaces, which are very easy and convenient to set up, but have one very annoying quirk: they can talk to anything on the network, except the very host they run on.

As you can imagine, with just three servers running a Ceph cluster and a Kubernetes cluster, using any of those only for running VMs was not an option. And so, a service brought up in Kubernetes was unable to talk to VMs that happened to run on the same host that it was scheduled on.

I spent many days thinking about workarounds, but they would have all been extremely foolish. We had very little headroom to shuffle things around. In the end, I decided that the only sane option to run anything in Kubernetes was to get rid of the macvtap interfaces, switching to a proper bridge setup. But this would have required bringing down the entire host network, which would have had a huge impact on many services. I made plans, but hesitated with the actual execution. The situation was extremely frustrating.

The plot twist

It was just then, that we received an offer that would change everything. An anonymous saint (<3) gifted us eight servers. They are of the kind that is considered old in some places, but they are perfect for us. At this point, I decided to just postpone running anything in Kubernetes. These servers would allow us to move things around carefully and straighten out the kinks without interrupting service.

It took a few weeks of preparation and planning, but the servers are now installed and operational. So, finally, we are able to move forward. And this is how we, at last, get to the interesting part.

What’s next?

The first task will be to bring our DNS back in-house. This is needed to bring back some features we need for Kubernetes, like DNS dynamic updates for completing ACME challenges.

Then, we will physically separate the Kubernetes cluster and the VM hosts, so everything can properly talk to each other. This will finally unlock experimenting with production services in Kubernetes.

On the topic of Kubernetes, I know a lot of people are excited about that, but I feel a word of caution is in order. While it will facilitate some aspects of running an instance, I am not sure it will be an “off-the-shelf” solution anytime soon. For example, some of our services will rely on CephFS for horizontal scaling. This can probably be reproduced even at small scale with Rook, but we currently do not use it, and I am not sure if we ever will.

Another issue is that SourceHut in its entirety includes several services that are not a great match for Kubernetes in the first place. Kubernetes is first and foremost designed for HTTP requests. But we have multiple services that require for example SSH, which is notoriously hard to load-balance, and does not have any equivalent of SNI. Our candidate setup for that involves dedicated IPs (external load balancers), which are usually a platform-specific feature. What works for us, may not work for you.

That said, I think solutions will pop up, and it makes sense to cross that bridge when we get there. One reason for the lack of tangible Kubernetes services so far was that we believe in solving the hard problems first. We have had a working prototype of build workers running, and proofs of concept for SSH routing. But knowing that it is all possible, priorities have shifted slightly. We will keep the rented build workers for a little longer, until we are confident in our infrastructure setup. We’d also like to do some refactoring of the builds.sr.ht codebase before moving those to Kubernetes. So, once the above steps are completed, the time may have truly come to start testing some of the “simpler” services in Kubernetes. That is, of course, unless reality changes its mind again…

Thank you for your patience

I hope this update answers some of the questions I occasionally see on IRC. It’s always hard to give brief answers to seemingly simple questions when the reality is such a complex mess. That said, I’ll do my best to monitor both #sr.ht and the sr.ht-discuss list. But even if I don’t respond, I am quite hopeful you will see answers soon.
